
Credit to Bing. Miracle Pine.

You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.
– Edgar Allen Poe (Dream Within A Dream)

Hello there,

I am the translator behind the persona Dream Without A Dream. If I have some real-life issues that will hinder my schedule, I will either put it at the end of the previous chapter as an author’s note, in the News Stand, or in the ko-fi. It has since came to my attention I don’t rly like following a schedule ~ so erm, I don’t rly have a set schedule anymore >.<

As a translator, I put priority in the author’s voice, then the characters’ voices. I originally translated very literally, but I’ve found that I’ve been being a bit more liberal as time goes on. I do continuously edit old chapters tho~

I work by myself, so if there’s any questions or comments, please feel free to either contact me or comment in a post. I try to look at all the comments.

Also, please don’t re-translate or re-post my translations, especially not onto Wattpad, Instagram, Twitter or similar social accounts. I am not interested in legal entanglement, so if any issue arises because of the translations, or if someone uses my work for their own monetary purpose, I will stop translating altogether.

All credits go to the original author, the translator does not own the original works, and the raws for each work(if available) can be found though the project page through Works. All profits from the advertisements go to WordPress.

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